The Feminism Movement in Teens

The world is moving fast and in the current day and age we are both wishing for and afraid of progress. However, This article will not cover what could have been or should have been done.
This is merely an article that aims to cover in the form of a survey, what teenagers think about the feminism movement. The responses collected from an anonymous survey for teens have been compiled and presented in the form of this article. 

Answered by ages 13-15.
60% of answers are from girls and 40% from boys. 
60% of the responding identify as feminist and the rest don't.
It is enlightening that 70% of participants took action in support of feminism.

QUESTION 1)What is your opinion on the feminism movement?
RESPONSE 1) Hundreds, if not thousands of women face issues like sexual assault and verbal harassments. This ruins their lives making it impossible for them to be financially independent and/or physically and mentally healthy. This is an issue which all must talk about, for it impacts the world as a whole.

This Answer is possibly the most fitting, open minded and understanding of all answers. It is precisely the reason the 4th wave of the feminism movement was founded near World War II. It started out as an effort to empower women and gain the right to freedom, to vote and to coexist without judgement in what was known to be "a man's world", however with the years, the definition of the movement has changed and progressed in order to achieve adaptability.

 Now, Feminism can be commonly defined as Equality. Women are still abused and known to be weak but the movement of feminism no longer stands merely to motivate women but now serves as a weapon of equality and majority. Feminism can be misunderstood by MANY teens taking this survey merely because the name has "female" in it but to clarify, It fights violence against any and all people irrespective of gender, it helps men express their emotions, it helps women educate themselves, it ensure men are not told to suppress their feelings and it even motivates people of all genders to enter fields of profession that weren't perceived to be "masculine" or "feminine". Yes, My friends, Feminism works both ways.

RESPONSE 2)It is very crucial in this society

RESPONSE 3)It's wrong

My dear anonymous writer, the ideals of feminism that you have been exposed to are clearly either pseudo feminism or man hating. I understand your dilemma as many pseudo feminists claim to be feminists however that does not justify your answer. How do I know this? Well, first off, I really don't think that if you know feminism referred to equality, you would ever say such a thing! If you truly believe the movement is wrong, you directly believe equality is wrong too! Does that mean Men deserve more rights then Women? or do you mean Women deserve more rights than Men? Both these ideals are equally at fault because human beings are born equal and deserve to stay that way.

 Hopefully I could educate you on the movement so that you could change your views but if not, It's alright and we can coexist as long as you don't take any uneducated action against an innocent movement.

RESPONSE 4) Feminism movement was an extraordinary movement that caused significant difference in the people's mindset of gender. In my opinion, gender, cast, racial discrimination are important issues of the present also and therefore, in my opinion, this movement was exotic. The need for bonhomie between all people is necessary for the existence of this world .

Thank you for your response. I can understand that you are conflicted because of society's (especially Indian) portrayal of what they think is "feminism" towards you. I agree that feminism changed people's portrayal of gender however this change was extremely necessary, If the movement didn't arise, the jobs women have in 2020 would only be limited to cooking and cleaning. Moving further, the issues you mentioned are greatly valuable but feminism cannot be used as an umbrella term for combatting racism, for that we have other movements that also deserve tremendous support however it is not possible for one movement to combat several issues, therefore it focusses on one issues, discrimination on the basis of gender. Absolutely! The need for bonhomie between all people is necessary for the existence of this world! That is PRECISELY why we STILL need feminism.

RESPONSE 5)Feminism movement was started in order to receive fair justice for equal rights for both men and women . I think it was an excellent initiative to stop discrimination and oppression of any gender .

RESPONSE 6) it's a very good in for the development of our country.

Absolutely! More people working, more foreign exchange, greater foreign relations and development of villages, towns and cities alike!

RESPONSE 7) I am completely for it and absolutely support it.

RESPONSE 8) It is a big leap for the society.

RESPONSE 9) I think everyone have an equal right for every thing hence the feminism movement's aim was perfect.

RESPONSE 10)Equality should not require justification which is why I am a feminist.

